Go with the flow or take hold of the helm.

Do you go with the flow or take hold of the helm?

It is the time of year that is filled with transitions.

The season changes from Autumn to Winter.

The holidays change from Thanksgiving to Hannukah to Christmas to Kwanza.

And then of course comes the New Year.

Do you navigate these by going with the flow or do you plan them out to stay the course?

I bet there are some of you who do a little bit of both.

We each handle life events, holidays and transitions differently and that is how it should be, none of us are the same – how boring that would be.

The above transitions are occurring each year, so we have routines/traditions already in place which prepare us in weathering the change. 

Other changes in our life are unexpected (an accident, are laid off or winning the lottery to mention just a few) and we find ourselves on a sea of uncertainty asking ourselves what’s next.

Or we have found ourselves in situations, sometimes repeatedly, that the path(s) we have chosen haven’t ended as we had hoped.

So, are you waiting to see where the tide takes you or are you looking to take charge of where you are headed and how you are going to get there?

In these instances, having the support of someone who has experienced something similar or can provide a fresh perspective can be all you need to smooth or straighten the course you are on.

Whether you are a go with the flow or a take the helm type of person, a coach can help you identify your next steps and chart a fulfilling course forward.

Whatever comes your way during your holiday transitions, may you embrace them to live your life by design not by default.

If you want help along the way – here’s how to find me.   www.withinucoaching.com

Beth Allison