“It is okay to be sad after making a right decision.”

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A post I read recently hit home for me – “It is okay to be sad after making a right decision.”

For those who have been following me, you know I made the decision this spring for my dad and I to move to be closer to family – still the right decision!

Moving is a major life change, but for me it has been part of several transitions over the past 18 months.

The passing of my mother in May of 2020, the loss of how things were pre-pandemic and both of these influenced me having some loss of focus on my business.

It’s been with the support of family and friends (aka my village), a trusted confidant, and an experienced business coach that I have been moving forward and able to make sound personal and professional decisions. A great combination of objective and subjective perspectives.

So it is no wonder, I am sad at times, but with the continued support of my village and network I am able to look ahead with optimism, anticipation and a larger capacity for compassion.

For those who find themselves at one of life’s crossroads I share with you the benefits of seeking inner circle and outside guidance to help you embrace your transition and make the right decisions for you!

Known Creative / CWD