Finding Your Tribe - A New Way to Work


With every transition in life, we often find ourselves alone, or at least without the comfortable support group formed from our last phase. The pandemic amplified this tenfold. Workers who had daily in person team meetings or even the occasional coffee break chats are finding themselves talking to themselves or even their pets! Now that restrictions are being lifted, some will return to their offices, but many will not. What does the new workplace look like?

The Unexpected Benefits of the Pandemic

While it is difficult to see a potential silver lining from the devastating coronavirus pandemic that’s been wreaking havoc with the health of those around the world and ravaging the global economy, there is an upside. It has given many of us the gift of quiet reflection. You might have had the time to reevaluate your true calling without the input of your previous support “tribe”. Perhaps you are realizing it is time for a change.

Finding a New Tribe

If you are working from home permanently, you will find that you need a totally different tribe. The first step knowing what kind of relationships are needed to support your new path. By joining social groups, business networking groups, or reaching out to others in similar or complementary fields, you can begin to form your new tribe. It will not be easy. You will be the one that needs to reach out first and often. Every change causes us to step out of our comfort zone but trying new ways and meeting new people will energize and strengthen your choices.

How to Get Started

Please contact WithinU Coaching if you need any help clarifying your new path or how to get started. We can set up a complimentary 30 minute “What’s Next” session. We’ll get to know each other and determine if your goals align with my coaching expertise.  If we agree to move forward, I’ll develop a customized coaching recommendation outlining the program details. 

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